School News
HR Lunch-time Zoom with U - Selection Tests
02 Sep, 2020
She specializes in the areas of talent / leadership assessment & development, assessment & development centers, competency model development, and psychometric assessment & feedback.
She is currently the Head of Assessment at Jardine Matheson, overseeing the talent assessment process at the group level. Prior to joining Jardine Matheson, she had almost 12 years of experience working as a consultant at Human Scope Limited and working with different client organisations to support the development of their talents.
Outside work, Kathleen is committed to contributing to the professional I/O Psychology community. She has served on the EXCO of the Division of Industrial & Organisational Psychology (DIOP) in the HKPS, and was the Chair of DIOP from 2017-2019. She is also currently serving on the Advisory Board of the Lingnan University’s Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology Programme.