The courses are taught by internationally experienced scholars, many of whom have written books for HR practitioners, offered consulting services and executive training programmes to senior management of multinational companies.

Samuel ARYEE
PhD (McMaster), is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management in the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK. Prior to his present appointment, Professor Aryee was at the School of Management and Business, King's College London and also held academic positions in Singapore and Hong Kong. He was for nearly ten years an associate editor of Human Relations and serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, and Management and Organisation Review. Professor Aryee’s areas of research interest include strategic human resource management, organisational justice, work-family interface, and service management. He conducts research in these areas in cross-cultural contexts.

PhD (ESADE), is the Founder and Managing Director of BeCap Management Consultancy. He has taught academic courses in Spain, France, and Hong Kong and delivered corporate training in over 20 different countries. His research interests include organizational trust, diversity, and cross-cultural management. Ben has published articles in journals such as Organizational Studies, Cross-Cultural Management, and Cogent Psychology. In addition to his academic work, Ben is a senior consultant in organizational development. His main areas of expertise are diversity and inclusion, leadership development, and cross-cultural collaboration.

PhD (Rochester), holds the Robert H. Reynolds Distinguished Chair in Global Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver. He has published 30 books, and more than 185 articles and book chapters. He is an elected fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources, the Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and the Australian Human Resources Institute. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva in 2004, SHRM’s Losey Award for Human Resources Research in 2010, and SIOP's Distinguished Scientific Contributions award in 2013. In 2016, the World Federation of People Management Associations awarded him its Lifetime Achievement Award. He currently serves as editor for global talent management at the Journal of International Business Studies.

PhD (HKUST), is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. His research interests include Strategic Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Innovation and Creativity, Managerial Attention, Cross-cultural Management and Hospitality Management. He has published extensively on the topic of human resource management in leading management journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and Human Resource Management.

PhD (Missouri), is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. She has taught in the US, Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Her research interests include developmental relationships, career development, and cross-cultural management. She has published articles in journals such as International Journal of Human Resources Management, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Research in Personality and Journal of Career Development. Before becoming a lecturer, she worked for the Hong Kong government for a number of years conducting management research.

Leo HO
DBA (South Australia), is a MBA Adjunct Professor of HKBU and various Business Schools in Hong Kong and China, and also management consultant with over 30 years of hands-on executive-level management experience in information communication technology, engineering and industrial global publicly listed organisations (Fortune 500) in Asia. Dr. Ho had been the Head of Operation and Director-level executives heading various key positions in Asia Pacific operations. He pioneered his IT career based in China since early 80’s and then built his own software development venture in China. He had extensive experience and was overseas-posted many times in China, Singapore, Korea, India, Philippines, Japan and Australia. Dr. Ho is a seasoned business practitioner with academic credentials with career aspiration in developing future leaders through teaching and sharing in corporate and academic worlds.

PhD (HKUST), is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. Her research interests are in the area of organisational behaviour and human resource management, including workplace uncertainties, job insecurity, emotional intelligence, and counterproductive work behaviours at the individual and group levels. Her work has been published in leading international journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Human Resource Management.

Alicia LEUNG
PhD (Lancaster), is a Teaching Consultant in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. She holds a Ph.D. in Management Learning from the University of Lancaster, U.K. She is active in researching and writing materials on management issues in the Asian context and has published widely in international leading journals. Her research and teaching activities have focused on gender, strategic management, human resource management, work ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). She has published more than 50 papers on these topics, including 10 book chapters and over 40 refereed journal articles. She was formerly the director of the MSc in Strategic HRM.
Her professional activities are extensive. She has provided consulting and training services on ethics and CSR, corporate culture, and strategic planning to multinational corporations, utilities, and NGOs.

Wookje SUNG
PhD (Kentucky), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. His research revolves around how social relationships within and across group boundaries influence valuable individual, group, and organisational outcomes, such as career success, leadership, power, interfunctional collaboration, group effectiveness, and successful organisational change.

Li-qun WEI
PhD (CUHK), is a Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Systems at HKBU. She teaches human resource management, international business, and strategic management for students at various levels. Her research areas include top management teams, strategic HRM and Chinese business strategies. She has published in a number of premier international refereed journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Leadership Quarterly and so forth, and is active in executive trainings in China.

Wilson WONG
PhD (Exeter), Head of Insight and Futures, CIPD. Dr Wong leads the Institute futures and foresight capability. He has been involved in futures research since 2000. His most recent publication with the Malaysian government was The Future of Talent in Malaysia 2035 and is co-editor of Human Capital Management Standards: A complete guide. He represents the UK on human capital metrics at ISO/TC260 (HR Standards) and is independent Chair of the Human Capital Standards Committee (HCS/1) and Deputy Chair of the Knowledge Management Standards Committee (KMS/1) at the BSI. His career has spanned academia, corporate finance and national ICT development policy. Wilson’s PhD in Economic Psychology (Behavioral Economics) was on opportunity recognition. He’s Visiting Professor at Nottingham Business School, on the Board of IJHRDPPR, Editorial Board of HRDQ, and Advisory Boards at NBS and the Work and Equality Institute. A member of the International Association of Applied Psychology and an Academic Fellow of the CIPD, he was called to the English Bar in 1990.